Need to get this up now, while I'm feeling brave enough to do it...
Upon the dawn of night
as the Moon rose to its height
she walked off of the virgin snow,
raising not a whisper of newly-fallen ice
from beneath her geta
Stars like diamonds shone in her black hair as
lips that shone with the wet juices of ripe cherries lit
cheeks that burned with the touch of virgin peaches,
her kimono was of chrysanthemum and cinnamon
showing only the touches of her pale skin
With the stretch of a finger with temptation riding
on the long delicate red nail that she drew at me
out of the warmth beside the blazing hearth of home,
and out across the field of glory to come towards her
with white breath around my lips for her
My lips kissed both her cherry and peach as
hands that burned of cold came across my spine
and the nails stroked along my moon-touched cheeks,
her mint-touched breath frosting in my ear as the moans
became touched with a joy of seeing the glories of all
Her arms that seemed to hold the strength of blizzards
carried me back into the warmth of my home and
as she laid me down on my futon with the gentlest of smiles,
the ice and snow of her face falling as the wind drew her
out of my arms and out of the home I would have given
The last words that she spoke came through my ears
as the last drops of snow fell to vanish into the night
“Of this night that I would have lead you from the light,
outwards into the cold darkness of my own frosted heart-
but I would rather risk Hell for your warm touch of Heaven.”