Jul 13, 2006 00:33
today, i realized something..
I'm a pretty naive person. I like to think everything between certain people are good, and then I figure something out and its like bam everything falls into place. but its not like it only takes me a little while to figure it out, it takes me AWHILE! Some of the new stuff that I've been finding out about Mohegan makes me seriously contemplate quitting, but the money is decent and I like the friendships that I have made there...this is will probably be my last summer at the casino and not becuase i'm hoping to be in new haven next summer but because I'd like to have a better job and get treated the way I deserve to be treated...
of coarse today was the ONE day I get caught wearing my security shirt untucked while walking across into the arena. ughh, my supervisor was standing right outside to make sure all the security people were properly uniformed and of coarse today HAD to be the day I wasn't...kinda made me mad.
hope my loan goes through before friday...
a little stressed...