Maddie was the only Ever After High doll that actually caught my attention when they first came out. The husband-dude surprised me with her a few months ago and I was enamored with how cute her style was. I was however unhappy at how "un-mad" she looked especially considering she is the daughter of the Mad Hatter. So, I decided to work on her a bit! First thing to do was experiment with head shrinking. Her head was so wobbly on the neck joint that she couldn't even hold her head straight up. I tried shrinking the head with acetone and it did help somewhat. The most interesting thing is that her head hardened incredibley during the drying process. I then repainted her body, face, and restyled her hair. I admit I had no idea her hair was going to turn out this wild and curly. I was kind of planning on something like a messy bird nest do, but this is so much better. Hooray for happy accidents! Also, freckles. Freckles everywhere. I am quite content with her as she actually turned out better than I expected. Although her eye paint job isn't as smooth as I'd like. Next time.