I drew!

Nov 10, 2013 10:25

Been having trouble wanting to draw. I have ideas, I envision things done, but the desire to actually do them is not that strong (not to mention I haven't been feeling that great physically). Forced myself to make a quick doodle of my D'n'D character stretching her arms before going to bed. Before I knew it I had a comic.

Click image to enlarge
These are the husband-dude and my characters for D'n'D. His, Doramier, a cleric he plays both tabletop and in the Neverwinter MMO. Mine is Thala, a fighter half-orc I currently only play on-line since I'm too afraid of getting her killed right off the bat in tabletop, haha! I do have her sheet though (if that counts for anything). The idea started when we began questing together and he kept pointing out to me that his character did not like mine. Dwarves and Orcs, even half-orcs, do not get along. This of course only encouraged me to create stories for this unlikely pair of warriors who are forced to endure countless adventures and each other. Here we have them getting ready to venture out after their first camp out as comrades. Somebody is not yet used to having company around.
I love my character. I may not play her very well, but she's fun to draw and write stories for.

art, jc, comics

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