(no subject)

Mar 02, 2006 13:04

I got a job (official) and mom and I went on Sunday to shop for white dress shirts. I've been looking for one since high school. Here is my little adventure! Only that this comic has Bob instead of my mom.

Part 2 | Part 3

So yes, I have my first show (George Jones concert. Country singer, I think?) on Saturday at 6p.m. at the Abraham Chávez Theater. Best thing about this? Claudia is also working it. So, yay I have someone to help me out because I haven't had training yet :D And all the people at the Center seem to be very nice, so yay again!

You know what else is awesome? I have discovered the ART CENTER :o

All these years I've thought that Hobby Lobby and Michael's were the only art supply stores in El Paso, and I was wrong! There's a store called the Art Center located at San Marcial and Yandell )in case anyone is from EL Paso and wants to go XP) that sell art supplies. Not crafts, just art supplies, and they do framing and airbrush and other stuff. So cool. Anyway, I had to specifically go to that store and buy charcoal paper and charcoal pastels for drawing class becasue Hobby Lobby and Michael's don't have that kind of stuff D< So, I took Claude with me and she was very....giddy and happy to be there. Like a little kid at a museum XD About to pay, and what do my eyes see?

Prismacolor Markers! *angelic singing in the bg*

ALL the colors supplied by Prisma. ;-; My gosh it was a gorgeous site! I ran past Claude, sat on the stool and looked through everysingle color available XD Have you any idea how awesome that was? Hobby and Mike's only supply like 3 versions of the each color at their stores. This place had everysingle color, or almost everysingle one XP But yes! Terra Cottas, Pinks, Lavendar, Light Violet, Dark Purple, ORANGE!!! In the 5 years (holy freak, ahs it been 5 years?! Whoa!) I've NEVER had an orange marker. EVER! So happy ;-;

After going through the colors, I started grabbing markers senselessly. Claude got jealous that I was paying more attention to markers than to her XD After a good 15 minutes at the marker rack (they also had Trias yo!) I had chosen a good 30 markers. Claude was nervous and talked sense to me.

Claude- "Dude. Each marker is $4. You can't buy all those."
Me - "I took out $60, I can!.....no wait, hold on."
Claude-" How many do you have there?"
Me- "Uh, 1, 2, 3,......28. What's 28 x $4?"
Claude - "Okay, yeah I don't think I want to multiply that many."
Me- "C'mon, how much?"
Claude - "Like about $120."
Me- "..."

So I had to put them all back in their slots, with the exception of some purple and pinks that I need for a new commission (TRIPLE YAY!! :D) of Psylocke for Claude's cuz JC.

Then we left and got off Yandell at Gateway South, where the Cordova(?) Cemetery is. We had the windows down and a foul smell entered my car. All of a sudden I remembered something Mr.Miller, my English prof from last spring told us. I asked Claudia if she knew what the smell was and she was like, "uh.....cremation?"
And I'm like:

"It's the stench of rotting corpses O_O"

Mr. Miller had told us that since there is a deep ditch next to the cemetery for rain water, the smell escapes through. He also mentioned that it's a whole stronger when it rains. So yeah. I had to shut-up talking about it because Claudia made me XD

But yeah. I just remembered something, a lot of homeless people live near that area. Eeeeew.

So, we had to change topic because Claude was getting grossed out about my very descriptive and gross comments. We reached Cielo Vista Mall where Claudia bought stockings for work and I bought The Princess Bride at Hot Topic with my gift card that Tani gave me last year for my birthday. It took me forever to decide what to purchase XD And dude, Hot Topic and what do I buy? A MOVIE! XDD I suck -_- But I kept giggling to myself because everywhere I turned inside that store I remembered Bob :D
If only he were real ;-; I'd have so much fun torturing hanging out with him :(
Oh well.

Oh and I died a little today in my Astronomy II class. We had a small in-class assignment in which we had to circle the stages that our sun was going to go through as she died (yes I know the sun has no gender and that the sun is often thought of as masculine as it is the symbol in many cultures for males, but screw that! I think of our sun as a tired and overworked single mom with a bunch of kids, of which nine are very troublesome XP):

Black Hole
Helium Flash
Black Dawrf
Brown Dwarf
Horizontal Branch
AGB Stage
Neutron Star
Planetary Nebula
Type I Supernova
Type II Supernova

Ok, so maybe I'm at fault for expecting people to know things that I believe are basic and common knowledge. But to have almost everyone surrounding me answer that the sun will go Supernova I after the end of three days worth of notes, lectures, and Mr.Mason repeating over and over again that the Sun WILL NOT AND CANNOT GO SUPERNOVA, would make you want to cry a little as well. What makes it worse is that Claudia was more than happy to circle that as one of the stages when the guy in front of us told her. I could have bitched-slapped right then and there XP It was a very emotional moment for me ;-;
And no I'm not know-it-all! Ok, maybe a bit. But....I'll just shut up >_>

So that was my day :D
How is everyone?

art, comics, work, school

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