Les Fin au les globe

Aug 12, 2005 18:05

I havn't been on this crudmonkey in like 2 months..

nothing much has been going on lately I went to NYC a week ago and ive been skating a lot more then usual and my friends have been leaving for college and uhhh I might be moving...

so I went to NYC with my uncle Tennyson and we just farted around mainly walking downtown and stuff...

I have been skating so much lately its kind of nice because it makes up for when I didn't this summer, yea ive been seeing a lot of friends of mine since ive been skating more too...

Man everyone is leaving for college except me its sad my friend Rob from radio is leaving and he was like soo cool, me and him and his girlfriend got along real well but hes leaving.. so is my friend allison who I used to be her cutie til she becutied me...lol..and so is a lot of my other friends..

yeah so the other day my mom and I were talkin and it turns out that I might be moving to Ireland for a year in november then when we come back were gonna be moving to north carolina probably whichc makes me sad at times cuz im gunna miss everyone of my friends...but I suppose ill live..

ok well I got to go and eat dinner cuz my whole family is here..oi vey what fun..lol talk to all later.. oh and amber how come I didn't see a I miss dylan in your journal huh? well im gunna do it anyways I miss amber and love her to.. oh and lindsey really sorry I didn't go to the fair today but im going tommorow <3

- Emo boy
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