Christmas post

Dec 25, 2008 20:13

Christmas,, everything is so green and...shiny (that word just keep poping in to my head, no matter what I am thinking xD). I think this is the best christmas ever, I got almost everything that I wanted (meaning I didn't get that "really expensive gifts", or my ukelele T_T), lots of teas (see list above), a teapot , and a Moleskine weekly planner 2009! *runs in circles*

The teas that I've got for christmas :D (spanish tea descriptions from 'cause I'm so lazy :D)
  • Maracuyá y mango (green flavored tea) Té verde, piña (piña y azúcar), mango (mango y azúcar), saborizante natural o identico al natural, pétalos de naranja, pétalos de rosa.
  • Berry Nice (green flavored tea) Té verde, arándanos, saborizante natural o idéntico al natural, frutilla, vainilla bourbon, hojas de grosella negra
  • Tesoro de los Mayas (black flavored tea) chocolate flavor :D Té negro, semillas de cacao, chips de chocolate y saborizante natural o idéntico al natural
  • Christmas Tea (black flavored tea) tea that tastes like christmas :D!!! Té negro, cáscara de limón y naranjas, pétalos de rosa, almendras en láminas, clavo de olor, vainilla bourbon, cardamomo
  • Sweet Fruits (fruit infussion) Hibisco, manzana, papaya (papaya y azúcar), piña (piña y azúcar), guinda ácida, uva, rosa mosqueta, saborizante natural o idéntico al natural , frambuesa
I'll edit the post very soon to post some pictures (!!! I'm really really excited about christmas this year,  did I mention that? xD) and descriptions of the teas, 'cause I'm at my boyfriend's and I left almost all the teas at home, so...

Y tienen que puro venir a tomar té a mi casa, really .__.

english, tea, christmas, moleskine

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