Hmmmm. It was the fifteenth of September when I last posted anything of importance. Well, I'm not dead anymore... I think. So now for an update:
Home: I've been all moved in for a while. Although I still have a bunch of stuff that's not unpacked. Considering it took me over a year at the last place, I'm not too hopeful this place will be much quicker. Well, it might go quicker since I have some room to work with. Mostly what's left is detail type things: wall stuff, knick-knacks, etc. Except the office which is still half random crap, but at least I have my desk and work bench setup quite nicely.
AWS: I was eaten by a large project that wasn't even on my list originally. I finished what should be the first release last Thursday - huzzah! Now I'm waiting on Craig to finish the rest of it so I can do the final integration and testing. With large amounts of luck, that should happen next week. At least the project was interesting. And I got to write it in Zeta™, a programming language that I created. How cool is that! The final EXE is all of 58k and the complete installer package is less than 100k. And it probably took about half the time it would have taken me to write it in C++. Yes, before you ask, I did write the installer in Zeta™ too. I'd post a link, but it needs to be connected to one of AWS's testers to work.
ZP Enterprises: Mostly got put on hold for the move and then the AWS project, but I'm getting back to it now. I have the production layouts for the two main boards and I'm thinking about doing one more layout for a new product before I do the next board run. I still need to get the website up and running, but I have some ideas for that, too. I need to finish the documentation for FastFORTH™ and then I should be ready to do some advertising and actually sell something. :) I still have a huge list of potential new products that I keep adding to, but I should focus on getting something sold so I can pay for new product development. What a concept -- cash flow.
Life: On Halloween
ksnarf and I met
sweetmegumi and
ariteks at
sweetmegumi's coworker's place in San Francisco for a little party. I was Helga, the viking warrior. I'll post some pictures at some point. All I have to say is damn, that was a short skirt. Other than that, things have been pretty much routine. I got some new tee shirts from this neat little extension to Disney's web site that lets you make your own shirts. They have pictures and canned text that can be combined. They're cute and a little bit naughty. ;) I love them. I should post some pics.
Drinking: So, I've managed to build up a stoopidly high tolerance for alcohol. Which is making drinking either boring or expensive. So, I've decided to stop drinking, mostly. I'll still do Chevy's on Fridays and maybe one drink at Applebee's on Wednesdays because I introduced the drinks that I drink at those places. Other than that, I don't think I'll be drinking, probably not even at home. Well, that's the goal at least. I'm thinking I'm going to stock up on juices later today.
Other stuff: I'd like to start getting up earlier. That way I can get some work done on ZP Enterprises stuff before I go to AWS. At one point, before I moved, I was on that schedule and it worked quite well. I really should start working out in the morning again, too. That was also working well. Though, I wouldn't mind having a few more hours in the day to get all this stuff done. ;) I guess I could just sleep less -- because that's worked so well in the past.
That's about it for now.
Everyone have a great day,