[Gleemax] IIEE & D&D 4e Skill Challenges

May 12, 2008 12:52

I've started posting some design stuff at Wizards' Gleemax website. The site itself needs a serious design overhaul, from color schemes to blog software. But I'd rather put 4e-specific and other minor discussions over there than clutter my actual blog with minutiae. At this blog, I'll just post a handful of links every once in a while:

[D&D 4e] Skill Challenges, or The Dull Rogue: My concern about extended skill challenges without direct results from a single roll. It may be entirely unfounded, since I'm extrapolating from Wizards' online 4e previews.

IIEE (Re: to WotC_JoT's RPG Style: There is No Try): Design discussion on the impact of traditional task resolution on achieving non-immediate binary resolution, including alternate resolution approaches. In other words, when Kirk sizes up the nasty guards and drops his phaser, when did the player's dice hit the table?


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