The new life... starts... HERE!

Jan 28, 2008 14:29

Ok, first up, 10 bonus points to those who identify the title. Good stuff.

Next thing on the adgenda... the announcement of all things good and great. Yes, for those of you who didnt notice from the last post I made,  I have myself a new job. This job is what I've spent the last 5 years or so looking for, and life has finally conceded and given me the opportunity I've been waiting for so long to achieve. The promise of along-term career, a decent pay-packet and advancement opportunities are the ticket out of here, so to speak. Its been a long and hard road, and not always paved with gold.

But I'm there.

Mind you, getting the job is only part of the equation. I've now got to put in all my effort, all my concentration and all my know-whats to succeed, and thats now the battle. I know I can be good at this, I just have to prove it. So yes, this is the one chance I have now to sort it all out, and do it well.

Bloody hell, this sounds rather heroic and poetic, doesnt it? Lets get back to normal LJ blurb, shall we? Ok, so yes, new job, and its all looking good. Medical on the 8th, followed by a massive 2 day pissup and a day to sober before I start my training on the 11th. Good start, yes? ;O)

Money... still trying to find out what the actual final number of pounds per annum I'll be receiving in my frankly anemic bank account, some say its 25.7k, others say 26-somthing, and in the interview, it was 27k. Confusing at best. Mind you, I've spoken to a nice lady at the HR place, and things Will Be Done(tm).

What else? Well... the possible chance of me finally getting a car? Well, yes, but I'll give you all advance warning before hand. At least the road will be nice and clear if you all bugger off and stay off like you've all said. Plus, as people have handily mentioned to me, I need to get the first years stupidly-high insurance bollocks out of the way.

What else? Well... I FINALLY get the free travel people keep assuming I already have (woohoo!) although its only with the First group, and not on all trains (Boo!). OTOH, I might be sad enough to get a cab pass and have a front seat ride to wherever it is I'm going (yay!).

Well, thats all I can put to screen without falling over from the sheer exhaustion of having to type things that dont relate to FPS shootemups, so you'll have to make do with this for now.

Adios all, stay groovy, and more when more happens!
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