YOU ARE A ROCKY GOD! You know this movie, you could
dress up as Frankie, and pull it off in style!
You can recite the whole damn movie and sing
every friggin song! YOU KICK ASS!!
Well Duh! We knew I knew this show like the back of my hand!
You are *Rocky*! You are manly with a lovely bod,
although your brain power doesn't amount to
much. You just can't seem to get a grip on
those heels but that's o.k because you get to
corrupt Janet. Go you!
Again, duh, I am very much rock...well with brains at least!
What FF7: Advent Children Character Are You? Hosted by
Anime. Done right.
Yeah! I love him!
You're Justin. You are a student who would just
like to drop everything and create art. You
have a lot to learn about yourself and the
world around you. That's why everyone you hang
out with, besides your best friend, is older
than you.
Which Queer As Folk Character Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Okay so does anyone elese see a pattern with me and blonde guys? LOLS