May 06, 2005 10:24
Keep your knickers dry, Sally. That's just a song lyric. ... But it's FRIDAY! And I would be much more excited about it being Friday if I weren't working from 10 a.m. to MIDNIGHT, and then volunteering at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday. That means getting up earlier than I do on a work day. Way to plan, Jaime! Oh well. At least I can somewhat sleep in on Sunday. That's always a good thing.
So, what to write about? Well, I'm talking with DAVID online at the moment. In my continuing effort to not be childish, I talked to him when I saw him online today. We're in the process of having a pretty lame conversation, but I guess that's good. I miss him, sort of. But at the same time, I don't. I now have a great circle of friends who I can depend on to love me and NOT treat me like shit. So, in that sense, I don't miss him at all. But we had some good times, and he's not a bad person. So I don't want to leave things bad between us. It's sort of like my thing with Stephen. No way in a million years would I ever want to be friends with him again, but at the same time, I don't like that shit just ended, without any real explanation. I guess it's the closure thing. Whatever. That's how it goes, I guess.
I'm still hanging in the ether between relationship and no relationship. That pretty much translates to having all the problems of a relationship without all the benefits. Okay, that's not really true. In all honesty, this is the way I want it. I guess. I don't know. Depends on the day. Sometimes I want it all, sometimes I want nothing to do with it. Typical woman, huh? Hehe. That's me. I guess I should just shut up, stop worrying, and be happy that I'm happy. And that's what I do, for the most part. Just every once in a while I have to find something to be unhappy with, and that's as good a thing as any.
I'm fun, huh?
Lately I've been battling the impulse to revert to the old me. The only thing keeping me from that is the knwoledge of what the old me was like. But that's a double-edged sword, because understanding what I was once like is definitely nothing simple to handle. ... In the words of David, reflection sounds good when written, but is hell in reality.
Well, since I'm sitting in my office, at my computer, I suppose that means I should actually get to work. Peace out, all y'all. ... Damn, I can't make a phrase like that work, can I?