Jul 24, 2005 02:00
For the last two hours, this is what my brother has been hearing. Why should he bring me a drink? "Because it's my birthday!" Why should he not make fun if Firefly? "Because it's my birthday!" And the poor brother has to deal with that for another 22 hours. Lucky for him, I'll be asleep for a sizeable portion of that. But I'm not now, so he still has to hear it. Hehehe. One day a year. He can deal.
Anyway, yeah, now I'm 26. Whoopie. I am so lacking in excitement about my birthday this year. It's so not a big this year. I had dinner with the grandparents today, lunch with Dad and Jason tomorrow. Enough.
Tonight, I've been hanging with Jason. He suprised me and had "Firefly" here for me --- the first disk anyway (apparently, Netflix was pokey with the others). He just finished watching all of Buffy and Angel, and he still has the Whedon-jones on. Plus, since "Serenity" is coming out on his birthday, he wanted to see "Firefly" first. So it was one of those birthday things that worked out in his favor. Anyway, we watched the first episode and he HATED it. Can't say I entirely disagreed. It wasn't at all what I expected. I knew it was set in space, but I didn't know it was a WESTERN set in space. That's tough to work, and I'm afraid even the awesome Whedon Writing Staff didn't quite nail it. However, I stuck with it and by the third episode (well, sort of fourth, since the first was at two-part) I actually was enjoying it. Adam Baldwin is pretty freaking good. Nathan Fillion is much hotter than in Buffy, but ick! still with the southern accent, and that's good in very limited circumstances. And some of the dialogue, especially in the pilot, is just plain YUCK. Regardless, I still want to see the rest of the season/series, and I know I'll go to see "Serenity." I'm actually interested in seeing what they do with it.
Now we're watching The Meaning of Life. I have to say, it's funny, but I'm not sure I'm as down with the Monty Python as Jason is. It's funny, but sort of tedious. But I'm also tired and touch drunk, so I'm sure my focus isn't quite what it should be. Hell, I'm writing this while I watch it!
Anyway, HOORAH for 26. Let's hope it's an interesting, changing, exciting, great, and crippling depressing as 25 was! :)