Jan 20, 2009 23:32
I'm still working on grad school applications, which is proving to be more of a pain than I thought. Apparently I still need to send my AC transcripts even though all that information is on my A&M transcript. *sigh* Oh well, I'll just run to AC on Thursday or something, hopefully I'll be subbing or something, so I'll get off a little bit earlier. Just have to remember to have that paper with all the addresses I need.
Subbing is interesting, though no less of a headache than usual. Oh well, I do enjoy it sometimes, and really, it's just teaching me to be a stronger person and more willing to put my foot down to other people. If I can do it to a bunch of teenagers, I should be able to stand up to myself to my friends.
In other news, I got a Twitter, which is amusing, even if I have to keep reminding myself to keep posting on it. I'm trying to learn this whole Web 2.0 stuff that I keep hearing about (or I'm imagining that I'm hearing about *shrugs* no clue), and trying to be good and actually keep up with posting stuff instead of just reading everyone else's stuff.
In personal emotion news? (the part that most people would rather ignore, so don't feel bad if you do ignore this, I give you permission), I really hate it when people accuse me of things that I haven't done. It's like you have no trust in me to either prove myself wrong, or not giving me enough time to prove you right. I really really really hate it when people don't trust me, it's one of my biggest pet peeves truly. Along with being used, but that's a much harder one to figure out, and a totally different discussion. But yes, it seems that everywhere I go, I'm being accused of something, either directly or indirectly, of something I don't intend on doing. I'm so incredibly SICK of it!!
Anyways, that's life, I suppose. The same old, same old. But at least where the drama comes, the good things come as well, which balances everything out. And I suppose that's the point- keeping a balance so you appreciate everything you have. And with that moment of Zen, I shall be going to bed.
college hunting