so let me tell you a story...

May 31, 2010 18:38

This weekend was an epic beyond epic totally inappropriate one of those I can't believe that happened weekends. We'll start last week so as to be fair to other events that have occurred recently

Number 1 registered for Otakon! Woot! 
have nailed down getting fur for making the plushie as part of my cosplay for Otakon.
Hung out with Meghan and Savannah
Got my hair cut off it looks nice.
worked. A lot.

So my friend Sarah has a lot of Couch Surfers and she works the night shift at a nursing type place so she asked me and Darrel (another guy in town that does couch surfing) to entertain her British couch surfer. So on friday night we went out some places got a little tipsy ended up taking Peter back to my apt. and you know doing inappropriate things with DaNile in the bed hahaha. We were sleeping with DaNile. (oh funny) anyway not as awkward as that could be and had beard burn on my neck... hot.

So on Saturday Darrel invites us to go to Darq the industrial goth night that is hosted in one of the bars every month so I get decked out in my goth gear. (I dressed as a dark fairy because creative dress is encouraged) they had a live band it was pretty sweet. Oh and we met this guy named Alex who was dressed like Jareth (well in a Jareth style outfit who suggested that we go to the LGBT Wonderland Teadance the next night. 3 double scorpion bowls later, I bought the band's cd, Darrl won the raffle, and I met a boy that was staying in Salem and invited us back to his friend's place. Which was somewhat lame. so after that we decide to continue on to Sarah's Apt. Where we make som RUM and cokes and I teach Kaesha(the surfer) and Darrel how to play Kings as they've never played before.... a few drinks and drunken rounds later. It sort of devolves into a threesome.... right... Uhm that girl was very into pussy. It was hot. and a really good kisser. anyway so we put some underwear on and all pass out on Sarah's couches. I wake up at 10:50 and have to be at work at 11 all I have with me is my costume so Sarah lends me some clothes and makes me lunch (bread and fruit) and off I am to work. Hahhaha omg I had a hangover ALL DAY I was like don't talk to me. gahhhhhhh basically which brings us to night number 3 sunday night...

so get home, there's no food in the house. so eat a carrot stick. and change to go to the Wonderland Teadance. basically I cheshire cat it up. and head out. On the way to the place this guy in a pick up starts driving really slow next to me and tries to get me to Meow at him and saying really inappropriate things and basically causing traffic problems. OMG sketchy. Get to venue which is one of the cafe's that we love. (the Gulu-gulu) order a sandwich cuz I'm starving. Not many people thematically dressed (damn you!) but they all thought I was cute so whatever) anyway our friend Alex or Mystique is the MC for the drag show. I kid you not DRAG SHOW. The Dolly Parton impersonation was AMAZING. so yeah we had a really good time. and this boy was selling raffle tickets. so we were dancing with him and by the end of the night when we were going to head back to Sarah's to party we invited him and turns out he's friends with Alex the head drag queen. So they were like well we have to hit this other party first but we'll swing by later. So Kaesha, Don, Peter, Darrel and me head to Sarah's (sarah went to work) and started to play extremely inappropriate Kings kind of assuming that the drag queens weren't coming. It was getting really raunchy Kaesha on alcohol is apparently very sexy (or sex deprived) basically we needed to be naked. Anyway we were half naked when I started getting texts and finally the drag queens arrived uhm not just one or two like 6 of them! hahahahaaa We answered the door in out underwear. so they were like get dressed and lets start the next round. So 3 girls (they brought one) 4 straight guys? and 5 or more gay or bi guys are all playing Kings. OMG there was some epic rules Alex made a rule that you have to make out with the same sex person to your right every turn. Peter was not enthralled by this but gave into peer pressure haha. There was passing along of talisman's someone made a rule that you had to take off an article of clothing every turn. It got very naked prettty quickly until Keasha was like I got the last King every should be naked NOW. hahahhaaa. Did I mention we are really really really drunk? anyway with all this inappropriateness going on it somehow devolves into a sort of orgy type thing. then more or less an actual orgy thing. by this point some people have left. and really I'm going to keep that to that comment. not going to elaborate on orgy type thing. All I can tell you was that it was a lot of fun and we should have kicked out some of the sketchier people because after we were winding down and hitting sleeping mode this one guy was just being a fucking creeper. which is one of the reasons I left the couch and crashed on Sarah's bed. Oh so we were also giving Sarah txt updates on what was going on so I texted her that it sort of devolved into an orgy which I think she thought was  a joke til we sent her a picture hahahaha to which she was like I hope you put down a sheet... anyway oo got to cuddle with Dresden her black cat so cute. He was like pet me. Woke up sometime later and Sarah, Julian (straight boy) , Alex, Kaesha, Sarah and I went out to breakfast and talked about all the goings on of the night before most likely being highly entertaing for the people around us. Ah man so definitely hanging out with those two again. Gave Julian a ride back to north station because I'm a nice kid. Oh and he's age appropriate. Can I have a high five for meeting people who aren't above 30? thank you!

alright now that you are like.. why isn't my night life as fucked up as McKenzie's (Alex was a Scorpio too we laughed about being promiscuous haha) I'm going to go eat some of the food I picked up at BJ's. Please don't think that this kind of thing happens all the time to McKenzie sometimes that's what rum does...? yeah there was no orgy plan just sort of devolved into that. but hey do it while your young right? plus we showed Sarah's couch surfer a great time.

so basically I can't go out for like a month as I am totally out of funds and need to save for Otakon. (which is harder as they seem to have cut me down to 3 days a week at Macy's) exciting for sleeping not so much for making money. Just need to make enough for plane ticket, hotel, parking, and cosplay... and spending money. Gah a ton! No more playing!! Need to work on getting freelance work. Speaking of which pics of this weekend and of some commissioned illustrations will eventually be getting posted on my facebook as I didn't take any of the pics we shall see when they appear. illustrations I will post on Deviant art probably tomorrow. Oh and I drew an illustration for the Trolley Depot of a witch getting blown away holding and umbrella for these screen printed umbrellas that we got in. They came in this week. SO cool to see my art work on an item! I need to write up an invoice for it. woot. I might just ask for a free umbrella.

alright peace out! I hope you were entertained by my escapades...
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