Feb 07, 2005 08:24
There is plently of things going on, and most of them I really don't need. For some of you, I'm sure, you've heard plenty of rumors from wherever, I don't really care, to which I can tell you for sure that none of it is true. Most people don't realize what is really going on, what's really happening rather than just what you hear. Most people only care for what can help them in some way, and I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about there. Life in it self is nothing to what any of you have grown used to. How would you know what 'life' is, who knows what 'living' really is? Who has all the answers for the millions of questions brought up by the millions of people with the curiousity to ask them? Who has possible thought up of all these terms that don't exsist in the real 'living' world? When you start to take a look at life, you start to wonder what is really going on, why things happen the way they have. Purpose, meaning, life, death, reality: it is the true essence of 'life' wheather you want to believe it or not. Think about it