Last night on my way downtown
I raced the sunset in my rearview
the grey, cold day had given way
to a shortlived burst of light
Rose stained buildings stood ahead
mocking me with their stunning view.
60..70..80... switch lanes and i'll make it
up to the best view i have in the city
[i can make it, i can make it]
Off ramp, red light
It has dipped behind the buildings now,
the flaming sky is all that's left
[i have to go higher]
parking structure, up the ramps. 2nd floor, 3rd floor... up to the 5th
[dont bother to park]
jump out, the door's ajar
battery dies
tonight [as it began to rain again] i am victorious.
guilt slinks in
Nature didnt win.
She never does as often as she should.