Brandy and friends threw Matt a 39th birthday party a few weekends back. Now that my email address has been updated in his Evites, I got invited again! (Matt regular invites 70+ people to his parties.) This one was not at the 900 sq foot home in Crestview, but at the sprawling home of Raj and MaryRose off 2222. It was fun because I recognized several people as other folks in the Matt circle I see only at his parties. Plus I learned that Matt and Brandy are going to be married* -- woo hoo!
And it was three-degrees-of-separation time too. A guy named Sid knew folks from Rice University, including
Randy Paul, the math PhD who used to live in Austin and who is the reason I even know Matt. Another woman there knew
Mary Willis Walker, who's doing so well now that she has a charitable organization that does good works!
Jipp and I talked with others about the wonders of the
Toyota Prius...
And Russ
the_bus was there with Poh-Lim and baby Annetta. That was a treat! She's growing up so fast! A year old and cute as she can be.
Me, Annetta and RussD, the proud father.
*Update: How sad was I when all the friends Matt and I have in common were invited to his wedding, but I was left off. There were multiple people who even inquired on my behalf. So my silly, goof smile at his birthday? I realized later he'd been pressured into inviting me to that party. Very, very sad end to that friendship. I still feel like an idiot too for pushing myself on him.