Tomorrow it will be 2 weeks since Orca joined the Wheeler Hyde Park household!
He's a small-for-his-age (not quite 3 lbs yet at 11 weeks), black-and-white neutered male kitten. His big name makes up for his small stature! I got him from the Austin Humane Society (they had a free day! He's neutered and microchipped too) for a companion to my 13-year-old Manx kitty Mojo. So far, he's much more my kitten than hers. She's high strung and territorial, so all she's done so far is glare at him, hiss and growl. But she'll calm down eventually and then they'll be sweet with each other. I look forward to that because currently he lives in the (one) bathroom and comes out for hours of playtime.
He's already got a good personality in many ways! I wanted him to be friendly and playful, and he will run toward Mojo a hundred times so happy to see her. His memory is full of holes so 2 seconds after she hisses at him and drives him off, he's already forgotten and is once again, "Hi! Wanna be my FRIEND?!" I wanted him to be smart (Tucker wasn't but Mojo is) and he's a genius at figuring out how to climb up stuff. I wanted him to be loving, and he has a really sweet trick of giving you many kisses (when he's in the mood) and patting your face gently with his claws in.
But I also wanted him to mind his manners and not try to steal food. Both of those he blows off, mostly because of that awful memory I suppose. And he's pretty stubborn. But still, he's such a cutie! Exhausting to play with after a while, but so cute!