Relevant information: Tom is the night cashier where I work. He's about 10 years older than me but we have similar personalities.
Vince is the Night Crew manager.
While unloading pallets and stocking last night I noticed a peculiar lady that appeared to be pushing a cart back and forth through the store. She passed my aisle several times, with no apparent destination in mind. At one point when I had blocked her path with my pallet to stop to organize it, she stood still and just stared. Not only did she merely stare at the pallet for around 40-60 seconds, she sighed loudly while doing it. Why didn't I move you ask? Well for starters, I was only blocking one path. The large pathway is separated by a display, cleaving it into two smaller paths. She could have easily gone around the display to continue on her way but instead she chose to turn around and go down one of the aisles behind her. Secondly, she didn't say excuse me. :P
After about two hours, when it was time for my break, I saw that she was still in the store (with barely any items in her cart). I mentioned this to Vince who didn't think much of it. Upon bringing this up to Tom he tells me that she's actually been in the store since 11:00 (30 mins before I even got in). At this point it's about 2am. Tom and I start cracking jokes about it and decide to start a pool. We decide on 30 minute increments. I bet that she'd be in the store until 4-4:30am. Tom said 5-5:30am.
What she had been doing was cashing out periodically (with a credit card), but only one or two items at a time. She'd then put the items back into the cart and continue to shop. At one point Tom grabbed her cart as she started to wheel past him and said, "Oh, don't worry about this. I'll take care of it." Thinking she was going to take off out the door with it. She then smiled and walked out... Then came back in to use the bathroom... Then walked out... Then came back in, grabbed her cart, and began the 'shopping' again.
Fast forward to lunch time: 3:30am. She's still here. Tom jokes to me that: "We'll probably find out tomorrow that she's a secret shopper. 'I walked around for 5 hours and no one asked me if I needed any help! What the hell!' "
I mention that we should ask to see her ID when she pays by credit card because it's probably not hers. Tom says, "Yeah, it's the last person's who asked her a question."
Vince sees us chit-chatting and comes up and says, "She's still here?!" At this point he calls the Cops (which I think is a bit much seeing as he hasn't even talked to the lady first).
An officer shows up and talks to her for like 10 mins. She seemed a bit confused and out of it (like she had been the entire time). He escorts her out with the things she had purchased and seats her in the front of his patrol car.
Tom looks at me, "I just got some poor lady arrested." xD
Final time? 4:15am.
Fuck yeah.
And now your moment of Zen: