just updating

May 15, 2010 22:39

lame title I know but yeah I am just writing coz I just feel like it... hehe.. wow it's been awhile since I posted something here.., I've been quite bz lately with my RL (work related) so yeah I've tamed a bit being a fangurl?... but nonetheless I still am a fangurl hehehe.. and I think I will always am no matter what happens...  just random things that happened in the past week ..

--cut my hair really really short and yeah am still planning to have it trim again hmmm maybe next week???...
-- I am so addicted now playing with my niece though sometimes we really are like cats and dogs.. but most of the times we get along well..
--- and yeah last monday was election day here in the Phil. and yey I was able to practice my right to vote... even if my bet for President did not won at least I was able to support him
--- I applied for passport last last friday but I was "denied" LOL! and yeah I rescheduled it again on 7th of June *heads on desk*********

---hmm what else,, ahhhh I was able to watch the first ep of "moon lovers" and OH MY TK IS JUST TK... doki doki...

hmm so that's just my random things...

night everyone!!!! 


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