Title: Stars Misaligned
Summary: In hindsight, he really should never have answered the phone.
Pairing: Don/Robin
Genre: Humour/Romance
Rating: 14A
Spoilers: Set season 5, no specific spoliers.
Part 10/11
Don listened as the rain pounded off the skylight in Robin's hallway. It was still miserable outside, but Don did not mind. In fact he thought the weather was rather fitting to finish off his absolutely awful day. He kicked off his shoes by the front entrance and made it as far as the bedroom, before he sank down onto the corner of the bed exhausted.
He was still soaking wet, and he knew he really ought to do something about that. However, it seemed far too much effort to simply move at the moment. Robin followed him into the room a moment later, she too was soaked, and Don belatedly wondered where her jacket was. Some boyfriend you are Eppes.
Robin headed over to the dresser and pulled a pair of sweats from his drawer and tossed them to him. As he made no effort to catch them, they landed on the bed, and Don stared at them a long moment before finally talking himself into movement. Clumsily he fumbled with the buttons on Colby's dress-shirt.
Robin watched him from across the room where she discarded her wet clothes in favour of a purple tank-top and her pyjama pants. "That's not your shirt." She commented.
"I borrowed it off Colby," he explained, tossing the shirt towards the laundry hamper across the room, and missing dismally. "My shirt got, uh, messed up," he finished lamely. Smart Eppes, like you haven't freaked her out enough for one day, why not just tell her your shirt is in some hospital garbage can covered in your blood.
She looked at him quizzically but thankfully did not ask. He slipped into the dry pants, and tossed his slacks after Colby's shirt, and flopped back on the bed. It felt unbelievably nice to just lay on the soft mattress and not move. He watched as Robin ran a brush through her long wet hair. Her back was to him, as she faced the mirror and Don could not help but admire her. He loved her so much, and yet he had let her down.
"I'm sorry," he apologized quietly.
Robin set the brush down on the dresser and came over to the bed. "For what?" she asked gently.
"For ruining today. I promised you I'd be there," Don replied looking up at her seriously. His head was pounding, and he really just wanted to sleep, but he needed her to know he had not meant for today to happen."I really am sorry."
"Don," Robin said, crawling onto the bed, "It wasn't your fault," she said leaning in and kissing him gently. "Besides," She added as she broke the kiss, "maybe it would be best if you meet my parents some time when my sister and her family aren't there."
"Why?" Don asked, curious.
"It seems that my young nephews are a little too interested in the more violent aspects of your career, namely your sidearm." Robin replied lying down beside him and resting her head on his chest.
The sudden pressure on what was likely to be a large and rather dark bruise come tomorrow, prevented Don from answering as he drew in a sharp pained breath. Robin shot up immediately. "Don! Are you okay?" she asked startled.
He smiled weakly up at her, "Yeah, just sore," he admitted, "Really sore."
She looked down at him suspiciously "What really happened today?"
Don sighed, "We went out to interview this witness, only turns out our witness is more like a suspect, and he really doesn't like feds showing up at his door." Don looked away, he did not want to worry Robin more than she already was, but he did not want to lie to her either. It was hard, but he knew he had to stop shutting her and his family out. He had driven Robin away once before, and he was damned if he was going to lose her again. "I was closest to the door when it blew." He told her softly.
Robin leaned back against the headboard. "But you're okay?" She asked her voice sounding a little unsteady and Don seriously hoped he had not made things worse.
"The concussion is the worst of it." He assured her quickly, "A few bruises, and I dislocated my shoulder."
She ran her fingers idly through Don's still damp hair, "What about that other thing?" she asked tentatively, "The LAPD business."
"We stopped at a gas station, I went into the store and a couple minutes later this junkie walks in and tries to hold the place up, till Granger walked in and he realized he was screwed. He surrendered." So maybe he was stretching the truth a little bit . . . At least he was trying right?
Robin said nothing for a long moment and Don tilted his head back so he could see her face, "Robin, are you all right?"
"Yeah," She breathed softly, "I just," She sighed and leaned forward and kissed Don again, longer this time. When they separated, she whispered, her face still close to his "I don't want to lose you."
"Hey," he said gently cupping her chin, "I'm not going anywhere." He promised, and despite the fact they both knew there was no way he could guarantee it, she nodded at his assurance.
Robin slid down so that she was lying next to Don, and he moved closer and loosely wrapped his arm around her. She shifted gently into his body, conscious of his injuries. "You know, you're still going to have to meet my parents one day." She told him trying for a playful tone, but Don could still hear her concern.
Don smiled and kissed her head lovingly. "I know, Robin." He murmured. It was still relatively early, but after the events of the day, Don felt incredibly drowsy, he let his eyes slip shut and just enjoyed the feel of holding Robin close to him. Maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all, he mused.Sure his head was still pounding, and he was going to hurt tomorrow, but he was alive right? And so he may have blown his first impression with Robin's parents without even being there, but she still here in his arms. And that was all that mattered, really.
And best of all, his cell-phone was lying in a lot of pieces somewhere, and so there was no way he could get dragged out of Robin's bed tomorrow morning by some ill-fated phone call.