Feb 27, 2007 13:01
oh this is amusing... I love finding totaly WTF sort of mistakes in texts that I happen to be reading in school. expecialif they are in ones tha i needed to buy for the damn class!
In the chapter 4 section 8 (page 88) of the book Practical Fiber Optics by David Bailey and Edwin Wright (ISBN 0-7506-58002)It reads:
~"Sometimes Teflon, because of its very slippery serface, provides protection aginst rodents such as termites."~
on thhe back of the book thoyugh it reads :
"Practical professional books from Elsevier
This series provides practical professionall level resources in key and emerging technologies desgined specficaly for engneers and technicians who need to get up in speed in new aerias or reinforce and update their knowledge intheir existing speclization.
this books are ideal for continuing professional development.....
written by engneers and trainers, this series has been developed byu IDC technologies an international engneering training company..."
you'd think it they were soo professional and at the engneering level let alone the teacher they would know that a termite is most defenently not a mammal woder how a goof like that slipped past the editors and authors:P.