I'm back at uni, with a half load this semester, and I think I'm going to enjoy it. I'm taking two general education subjects this session: one on the history of dress and identity, and one on the evolution of murder, medical science and forensics. They're both rather picture-heavy in lectures (lots and lots of pretty overheads), but they seem to be fairly interesting - at least, they dovetail in with other minor interests of mine. The Dreaded Maths is, well, not too bad. I'm thoroughly impressed with my Calculus tutor, who's about 25, reminds me an awful lot of
you guys, and all-but bounces. I'll meet my Algebra tutor on Thursday.
Mum and I went shopping and got a very cute little pair of bright blue polar fleece tracky pants and a red fleecy top for Charlie's birthday presents.
And, for everyone who has no interest in Australian A-League Soccer - SYDNEY FC BEAT THE MARINERS! It was a nice little grand final for the season, (as I was barracking for both teams, I didn't really care who won) and there's been a good deal of interest, so I think the A-League will continue playing for a while. Which is rather nice, as with a summer season, they don't have to battle with the dreaded juggernauts of the Footy Versus Rugby code fight, and soccer is on the short list of sports I can watch on TV without abandoning them with disgust.