Thoughts on what's going to happen over in Maya Sector during A Rising Thunder:
Admiral Roszak: Dammit! Stupid Battle Fleet! Whoever back on Old Earth thought initiating the Second Battle of Manticore was a good idea?
Governor Barregos: Plus, you know, now Haven and the Manties are allies. While Shannon Foraker and Sonja Hemphill have been
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And eventually, someone back home will notice that while Maya Sector is valiant in defending Torch against the evils of Mesan front organisations, super about beating up pirates, and very consistent in submitting their reports about there being no real problems in the region, they're pointedly ignoring the buildup of the new massive combined Haven/Manticore fleet base at Erehwon. Well, as far as they can 'ignore' it while continuing to contribute massive amounts of money to help Erewhon build its own units.
Of course, Detweiler may actually set up yet another attack on Torch simply to start the division of the Solarian League. Especially if the Mayans end up 'accidentally' allying up with Haven and Manticore to defend Torch. Again. Whilst they are officially at war with each other.
(Don't mind me. Just finishing a massive series reread, one of the products of which is "Gee, Roszak mostly spends his time going "Look the other way, Solarian League! Don't mind me, I'm protecting Torch! For [Big Fancy Reason, that really boils down to 'Thandi and Cachat will come after us if we don't']!"")
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