May 06, 2010 14:59
I just wandered over to scans_daily, to see what's been happening in the Batbooks for the last few months.
Okay, really, DC? We need more Batbabies?
Now, to be fair I have absolutely no objections to small Bats running around the place (I look forward to the day when Lil Spoiler and Kitten get to come home from their secret homes when their adoptive families inevitably get murdered and their superheroing genes turn them into mini vigilantes of the night).
But not only is Talia cloning Damian (why? WHY DO WE NEED ANOTHER DAMIAN, DC? Why did we need ONE Damian, actually, but that fight's done and dusted. Apparently getting actual page time and spending time with his brothers has made Damian not be creepy enough any more, so we need a new, even more creepy Damian), but Ra's now wants to be grandpa to Tim's babies as well as Bruce's.
So Tim might actually get to lose his comics virginity. Finally. But Ra's, you do realise your plan hinges on getting a woman assassin to sex up Timothy Drake? As someone pointed out at scans_daily, we're talking about Mr "My Superpower is warding off female seduction" Drake? Seriously? Why not use Dick or Jay for sakes, at least both of them demonstrate interest in the opposite sex that goes past "best friends".
Also, Ra's, your brand new secret plan is: having an assassin sex up a superhero and get pregnant. Because that never happens in comics. (Lian Harper. Robert Queen. Damian Wayne. And now Baby Drake?)
Well, at least Tim already knows how to look after a pregnant girlfriend.
And if it is Cass under all that, I will laugh and laugh. Cass can defect and then bond with Steph over how much pregnancy sucks. And they can gang up on Tim together and be all OT3 in Gotham. It looks like we're gearing up to have enough baby Bats to fill out a Young Justice roster in ten years of comics time. They could all have sleepovers at the Manor together!
wtf dc?,