You know what? I hate this relaunch. I can't stand it.
'Tec is full of Batwoman and the Question, and look, I like Renee Montoya better as a cop, and I like her better when she's helping Jim out or having problems because Two-Face respects her, and I don't like Kate Kane at all.
Batman... is growing on me. Slightly. I still can't stand Damian, and Dick's still suffering under a 'no fun' dictum he seems to have taken to heart the second he had to wear the cowl again, but I actually grinned a few times at 688. Still not worth my time or money, though.
Batman and Robin suffers the same issues as Batman, only with added Damian problems, Damian promotion, and Alfred acting like a cheerleader for Damian. Plus, Frank Quitely art. Which I go back and forth about liking.
Streets of Gotham I'm witholding opinion on until I can see more of it. Wasn't impressed by exploding 11 year olds, but no Damian is a plus.
And Red Robin - Tim, I'm reading you because I believe in you, but what is with this obsession with calling yourself 'Tim Wayne'? It's odd and jarring. And while I know you're doing your 'I am in PAIN, and no one BELIEVES ME ABOUT BATMAN' thing, and hurting over Dick not noticing that you're having another breakdown at this point, kicking Steph is not on. Plus: the costume. You're not Jason. You never have to be Jason. And while, yes, Red Robin hurts my eyes slightly less than DiscoWing, it's still a bloody awful costume and you age every time you put it on.
Oh, and Outsiders: I am grinning about the fact Alfred's running the team. I like Katana and Metamorpho, and this is the first time I've read Geoforce and Halo and I like them both too, but the book is mostly blah. Blah blah boring blah. Katana is cool, guys. MAKE HER COOL. Why is she not being cool? Plus, ALFRED IS RUNNING A SUPERHERO TEAM. This should be full of WIN! and AWESOME! And it's not. It's blah and boring and old-guys-becoming-robots, which is a premise I've seen done WAY BETTER at least twice. I'm not expecting the title to be Shade's Children, but please use the awesome concept properly!
What is looking promising:
Adventure Comics. KON! <3 <3 <3
Okay, fangirl moments about Kon being back and having a book aside, this looks fun. Do you know why? The preview has Kon being a dork, and saving a girl in trouble because he thinks she's hot (and also in trouble, but he's appreciating that she's good looking), and Bart and Kon together with Bart actually acting in a manner that's Bartish. And the cover for #2 has Kon and Cassie having a picnic on a FLYING PICNIC TABLE and the cover for #3 has a teamup with Tim. I'm looking forward to my YJ people acting like themselves, or something resembling themselves, for a change. I'm looking forward to my 90's teens actually getting some page time together. I'm looking forward to friends actually acting like friends!
Oh DC, this is now Title #3 of Joy and Win that you're allowing to be published (Booster Gold and Tiny Titans being #1 and #2). What's wrong with you?