(no subject)

Sep 10, 2008 00:37

Every time I miss class I get entirely too scared of losing this game. My reaction to alarms and my sleep schedule are so internally fucked that I just can't get used to getting up so early every morning.

Some days I get home from work and I just want to collapse. Some days I get TO work and I feel the same. It never helps that after school and work I have homework to do, but I need to be careful because if I stay up late I'll suffer the next morning.

On the bright side of things, I'm certainly keeping up with my homework, even if I haven't gotten the attendance down pat. I'm doing so much better than before, and that's the truth.

Sometimes I feel crrrraaaazy!

I'm kind of fed up with my body.

I've been depressing lately. My bad. I'll share with you a poem sometime later or never.

NOTE: I really don't want to vote. I really don't like this election. I'm really sick of the news. But I've truly been enjoying 16th century poets, This American Life, and interviewing the Chancellor.

Oh... I danced for the first time in six years. It was priceless and it will happen so much more. I'm starting classes ASAP.

It feels good to be happy, productive, and busy; yet I've definitely divided my friends by two and minused ten from that.

Alain says hi.
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