Aug 09, 2010 23:25
So I haven't posted anything since March. I'd say sorry, but I'm not, particularly. Ell Jay, you will not hold me to any sort of standards, you work for ME! That said, most of what's been going on in the Life of Me has been the sort of stuff I don't really want to blab about to a faceless Internet. (I love you, dear friends, but I've been prickly and withdrawn.)
So what's to say? Job hunt continues, LARP season approaches, many decisions float around my head. Social-ness is good, various life bits proceed appropriately. BFF Vorsaga's wedding approaches, much to do in prep.
Been doing a lot of writing lately. I feel like this one's The One, something I'll actually finish. It's radically different from everything I've ever done before; a whole new genre even.
Now, to retreat to my shell-home for another few months. ;) But hey, I'm alive!