Midnight Visit

Mar 26, 2011 00:15

Title: Midnight Visit
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: G
Word Count: 409
Summary: "The heart wants what the heart wants.  And even if you tug, and claw, and tear away at the stringy pulp that binds us, I will always linger in your blood."
Note: I'm sorry that all my fanfic is sad.

Someone was throwing rocks at her window.

They didn’t startle her, for this was one of her many sleepless and endlessly thoughtful nights. She had, in fact, been waiting on (hoping for) this small message for months. Her hands were pulling her upright and the window was down and that red hair was blowing in the midnight breeze next to the flowerbed.

She could only smile at you. Her feet quietly moved down the staircase, though her father slept soundly enough for the both of them these days. Her toes happily greeted the dew-blanketed grass and she was beaming at you as she walked up, your hands tucked into your pockets.

“Hey,” was her breathless greeting, her hands tucking her silver hair behind her ears.

You only curved your lips at this and said, “I wanted to see you before I left.”

Her heart sank at this, at the thought of you leaving yet again for months on end, at the idea of not hearing your voice for painfully long weeks. But her eyes were extraordinarily blissful that you were even here, talking to her, standing in front of her-being here in the middle of the night, just like you used to be.

“I’m glad you came.” She said. Glad didn’t cover it.

But your eyes were sad, and she knew what was next.

You said, “We can’t do this anymore.”

“Please don’t say that.”



She stepped closer to you even though she would think you’d push her away; she pressed her cheek against yours even though she hadn’t done that in a year; her fingers closed themselves around your wrist and she brought your palm to her face, her mouth close to your ear. Your hand pressed to the small of her back and your fingers closed around her other wrist, the fingers of your cuffed hand reaching out to touch her.

“Can we just…” She was pushing out words as she tried to keep away the tears. “Can we just… go back to the way we used to be?” Her hold on you was strong; she was clinging to you.


“I know. I know.” She receded and pressed her forehead against yours, closed her eyes and tried to regain her composure. It was impossible, around you. You made her the weakest.

Her lips trembled with a whisper: “I love you so much.”

As every time before, you could only kiss her forehead.

fanfiction, ficlet, pairing: ginny/luna, harry potter

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