zagury Pick-a-Prompt Fic!

Aug 28, 2010 14:52

Title: We're Not at the End but We've Already Won
Author: zagury
Prompt: My Favorite Things
Pairing(s): Remus/Tonks
Word Count: 1100
Rating: G
Summary: Remus Lupin was a creature of habit... until Tonks moved in.
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: This little fic was possible because of  zofbadfaith , my beta and brainstormer. My thanks spread to her and the mods. I'm also convinced that Hayley Williams, the lead singer of Paramore, knows everything about life, so I stole a line from her song 'Where The Lines Overlap'. I thought it was rather fitting for Remus and Tonks. Enjoy!

The toothpaste was missing again.

pairing: remus/tonks, fanfiction

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