Title: Return of the Re-animator
Verse: Same
Characters: Herbert West, Daniel Cain, Megan Halsey, ensemble
Rating: Mature, Adult Situations, Adult Language, Violence, Gore, Sex
Status: Unbeta'd, and I know it.
Return of the Re-Animator
An ear-piercing shriek filled the air.
Dr. Granger looked up from his report in alarm. The intrusive sound blared into his office from the hall. Jumping up he ran across the room and threw open the door. The origin of the sound became quite apparent to him when he saw the haze filled corridor of Miskitonic Hospital.
There were people running back and forth in the gloom shouting questions and instructions at the same time, adding to the confusion. Dr. Granger grabbed the nearest intern as he came rushing by. "How bad is it, where's the fire?” he queried.
"Near as we can tell,” the intern replied, "There's a chemical fire down in the morgue." "It's contained but the fumes are drifting up through the ventilation system." "We're having to evacuate half the floor."
Dr. Granger nodded decisively. "Get everyone you can to this floor to help with the patients, call security for coordination, stat!"
"Yes Doctor,” the intern gasped out of breath. He scurried off and was swallowed by the noxious smoke almost immediately.
Dr. Granger withdrew a handkerchief from his pocket and putting it to his face headed towards the nurse's station. The fumes seemed to thicken the closer he got to the station. He paused to cough and wipe his eyes. Up ahead in the gloom he heard a snuffling sound. He peered ahead but couldn't see more than a few feet. He called out, "Do you need assistance?"
In reply, a figure came into view.
Before him there stood a naked man and from what he could see through the haze, the patient was badly injured. Dr. Granger immediately ran forward to help and stopped up short. He didn't need to get any closer to know that this man shouldn't be walking anywhere.
The man's lower abdomen was sutured open and his bowels were draped down around his knees. There was a viscous fluid coming from his nose and mouth "This can't be happening," a voice inside his head screamed, this man should be dead. But rather than listen to the primal instinct that told him to run; the rational won out and Dr. Granger stepped forward to help, never realizing that the man was far beyond any medical attention.
The man was in fact quite dead.