Mar 28, 2006 12:15
The girl on the wall
I can't hold at all
I'm so far away
To her face
I wish I could say
I love you
Dust blows in my face
There is trash all over the place
What am I doing?
I wish I knew
There is so much killing
I NEED to be with you
Stuffed in a truck
Is this the last of my luck?
It can happen so fast
Has it come down to this?
For a lifetime it was to last
I want a chance for one more kiss
The day will finally come
When you and I will be one
Happy Again
Some day soon
Reunited with my best friend
In the very same room
The girl in my bed
Remember the day we wed?
I told you we would make it
Here is how I knew...
It's simple, no secret
I love you!!
I hope you like came to me the other night.