Kink Bingos! (Sherlock, Red Dragon, Stargate Atlantis)

Oct 26, 2012 18:00

perryvic &
fandoms: Sherlock, Stargate Atlantis, Red Dragon
kinks: Tattoos/Tattooing, Orgy, Chastity, voyeurism, drugs

Out on the Edge (Stargate Atlantis, Red Dragon crossover, William Graham/John Sheppard, Chastity)
Summary: It seemed Will had a thing for being with people, talking, human contact and... Well all of the other stuff too. It was interesting to mix the two, to trust Will to balance it in a way that wouldn't give it away to the rest of the table. They'd started pretty simple before heading out for dinner -- a plastic cock cage.
Content notes: No content notes

Mark of Chaos (Stargate Atlantis, Red Dragon crossover, William Graham/John Sheppard, Tattooing)
Summary: If he was right, and Will agreed, the ritual would write itself out of the tattooist's desires and thoughts. He already knew it was going to involve pain because that was the nature of this sort of ritual. Sacrifice and payment made in some form or another. Will reached into his fridge, and pulled out a Corona, taking a swig as soon as he uncapped it. It didn't seem to actually go down after the long drink. "What do you think I can do for you, then."
Content notes: No content notes

All for One (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/John Watson, Sebastian Moran/John Watson/Richard Brook, Orgy)
Summary: "Captain Brook called and said he was on his way. I suspect we're it." Colonel Moran set his glass on the table, watching John with the man's customary intensity. "Since you're probably hoping to get laid tonight, let me be unit father for a moment and tell you I hope you're not going out in that jumper."
Content notes: Dubious Consent

Just say No (It won't matter anyway) (Sherlock, Jim Moriarty/Sebastian Moran, Drugs)
Summary: "Hypocritical oath. Thought you were a maths professor." Kisses felt good, and he leaned in, cheekbones mashed against Jim's face for a moment. What it came down to was that he knew nothing at all about Jim, but fuck, he trusted him

"Multi-tasking," Jim replied looking deep into his eyes, and then smiling. "Your pupils are nowhere near dilated enough. The pain medication must be wearing off. But I have come prepared for that."
Content notes: Dubious Consent

The Mating Habits of Two English Loons (Sherlock, Sherlock + John Watson/Sebastian Moran, Voyuerism)
Summary: Electric, firing off in his mind, that single image all wrapped up in the sort of intensity that had him live a lie for three years for the man, to risk life and death on a daily basis and tear down his entire life to save his life.
Content notes: No content notes

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red dragon, stargate atlantis, sherlock

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