2011 -- A year in review (fics)

Dec 31, 2011 20:07

We survived another year!

tzi &
Smallville/DCU: A Few Figs From Thistles
Harry Potter: Lay Your Weapons Down
CSI/Red Dragon: This Child-Like Beast
Stockholm: First Degree
Stockholm: Second Degree
CSI: Red Light
X-Men: The World Outside Was Hungry
Well Kept Boy
Pan-Fandom Kink Bingo Blackout: Gated Community, Pets Allowed (Includes Gundam Wing, NCIS, CSI, Red Dragon, Harry Potter, SPN, Smallville)
CSI/Red Dragon: Closer than Skin (Part of the same universe as Gated Community, Pets Allowed. Potentially.)
Gundam Wing: Cry Wolf
Fifty Billion half-finished things, and some other finished bits that I plan on putting up eventually.

perryvic &
SGA: Arpeggio: Duet
Arpeggio: Quartet
Arpeggio: Solo
Bare Necessity
Hand to Mouth
SGA/Red Dragon: Balancing Act
Pinned Down
X-Men: Be One Traveler
Nothing to Fear from a Good Man
Sherlock Holmes: Almost perfect
Multi-Fandom fics from a failed Kink Bingo Blackout Attempt
And Vicky and I have two loitering stories that I have to proof and post, and half-done bits.

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