First Report

May 03, 2009 11:22

Oh... looks like I finally got in! That sure took a while. Guess I have to get use to it since I don't exactly have a the best connection...

So, introductions? Well, hi there! The name's Gumshoe - Dick Gumshoe, but just call me Gumshoe. I'm from the Ace Attorney fandom whatever fandom is supposed to mean and its nice to meet all of you... wherever all of you are from. Um. I'm supposed to try and be a Big Name Fan? That means I got to make sure everyone knows my fandom. (What does 'fandom' mean anyway...?)

I guess I can start by letting you guys see this! Be sure to get the game when its out - its about time Mr. Edgeworth got his own game, I say.

[OOC: UH HI BNF BRAWL. Just a note that its my first time ever playing Gumshoe anywhere s-so orz please forgive my failings when they come. |D;;; BUT YEAH HIIIIIII.]
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