May 26, 2009 14:54
Ana and I had an awesome visit to her endocrinologist today. The last time she hadn't been in a year, and the very thought of stepping on the scale sent her into a tantrum. This time we talked about what would happen, and even though originally she said she didn't want to go she behaved well and did everything w/o complaint. I think her sugar was normal, too, which helped. Last time she was high.
But of course, all good things... we're driving back on the interstate and even though there was a happy LED road sign 5 miles ahead of the crash, specifically saying the left lane was blocked.. oh yeah. You know the story. Put. Put. Put. Ugh. People drive me bats. I swear, I was thinking wouldn't it be great if we had cars that could drive themselves?! That way when they received some electronic notice like that, they could take control from their human driver (idiot) and merge waaay before the orange cones force them. They could also not slow down and rubberneck, but still stay at a safe speed while there are emergency vehicles about. Of course, having something like that might negate the whole accident-thing all-together. But I'd be happy to just have electronic common sense.