New, yet old, experience

Feb 17, 2008 18:07

I did something this morning I haven't done in too many years to count. At least on my own, without it being an 'accompany' deal.

I went to church. I know - me! LOL After Ana was born, I really wanted to find *somewhere* I could bring her the sense of community you find at a place like that, but I was resolutely not going to shove my beliefs in a sock and smile for the sake of it. Not to mention let her attend traditional Sunday School. Though I have a feeling, sharp as she is, she'd be one of those later on that would start asking the 'annoying questions'. :)
So, after being exposed to it on the website of my local Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida, I decided to attend a service at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Orlando.
Yes! That's it! Exactly! ;) There is no other church I am familiar with - at least not a large, widely recognized one - that could have a female, lesbian Reverend. I mean, honestly, the Catholic Church still won't even let them ordain as priests, I believe. You can subjugate yourself to God by living in a nunnery, but you can't spread the word as an ordained Priest. Whatever.
Anyway, aside of the relative calm and quiet (hey, I have been in the South long enough that I appreciate a bit of the histrionics of Baptist Churches) I really enjoyed it. They aren't kidding that accept anyone and everyone. It's not even about being UU *instead*. You can be UU *and* - what a concept.
Aside of that, I seem to have developed a wicked headache that won't go away. This isn't the first time, and I am inclined to believe it has to do with a lack of caffeine. I was drinking Diet Rite at one point, and then I started drinking too much at once because they only had 2 liters. Now that I can buy cans, I went back to it from Pepsi One. Cheaper, but no caffeine. I have had 2 mountain dews today on (shock of all shocks) my hubby's suggestion. He said maybe I shouldn't go cold-turkey. Sadly, it hasn't seemed to help. Neither has water, food or tylenol.

I'm not sure how I feel about the latest Atlantis ep. I'll post about it later. On a completely selfish note, however - who is it that's writing "Male Enhancement"?! Cause I'm pretty sure it's lavvyan and she just announced she's taking a break from writing. She's also, to my knowledge, not finished that story. How dare you take a break when that story isn't finished?! LOL Grrrr. If it is, my apologies. I haven't seen it come across any of my lists.

home, fanfic - mcshep

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