Jun 02, 2014 07:04
Happy Monday! I start this week off with a doctor's appointment 45 minutes or so from now. Been trying to really get a better handle on my health and being able to loose this stress-weight I gained in the last several years. I turned 40 in April (thanks for the B-day wishes I got a bit late!) and when your body changes it just takes time to figure it out! With the thyroid disease I have found a wealth of information and I am going to see another practitioner besides my regular doctor. Right now I have been spending most of my time on the de-cluttering, etc. but making better choices isn't terribly hard even when busy. And the exercise I am sure isn't hurting, overall. In the short-term yes! lol My lower back and knee hate me.
I get paid bi-monthly in this job (in addition to no sick time and a forced week of un-paid vacation) so this next round of days is exactly 10 for the next paycheck. No time off for me! I am chomping at the bit to take a vacation day, but I am waiting to take the Friday of my kitchen remodel. Sad that I have to be practical in my days off! But, the more vacation time I save for that week off, the less $$ I loose, overall.
Yes. After my environment is clear and I get a handle on food/health I will be looking for another job. I can hardly stand to sit for 8 hours *now* - I can imagine how horrible it's going to be when I feel *better*!!!