Update on the whole eating/thyroid thing

Aug 07, 2012 12:10

So, about the last week of July I *finally* started actually feeling like I wasn't taking my meds! Fancy that. I never wanted to go beyond 30 days of not taking them since I was pretty sure that even if I could reduce my dependence over time and 'shore-up' my own thyroid, it has been 21 years since I was diagnosed w/ Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and really, that just doesn't "go away". As gateslacker pointed-out to me, its about damage and how long it's been this way. Which is true.

So, I got my labs done August 1 and saw the doctor yesterday. Well, my TSH was through the friggin' roof! He made the comment he would expect to see that number in someone off their meds for a year. Lovely. Of course, this actually made me that much happier since even though I am having symptoms - I *still* feel much better, overall, than I did before! Yes, I need meds I can totally accept that. I started on them right away again yesterday! I'm just now looking forward to how awesome I ought to feel once they kick in. :) I honestly am not certain I have a comparison in my own life since I was 17 when diagnosed. I mean, yeah, I was active as hell in school with clubs, etc. but I still had homework problems, didn't do chores to save my life, etc. My mother wasn't exactly all about instilling discipline though, since her mom was so strict. She preferred a more passive-aggressive approach with sarcastic comments. But that's for the therapy couch. :) So perhaps I really do have a degree of ADHD that I will need to address, even with everything else being even. Hopefully though, with age and life experience I have garnered enough coping strategies and some self-discipline enough to get by without those meds. I'm not particularly stoked about taking stimulants the rest of my life. And if I can get my act more together, it will help me help Ana to avoid the same fate. Which is worth not eating pizza for the rest of my life, IMO.


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