I wish I could backtrack enough to figure out who's journal I saw this on today, because I want to *HUG THEM SO HARD*. Smartly, I opened in a new window and must've lost the other one. I am having a crappy day, physically, and although it sometimes hurts to laugh I am literally having to resist actual ROFL. In fact, I'm pretty sure I almost broke my chair.
http://thetorchonline.com/2010/04/02/facebook-recap-merlin-21-the-curse-of-cornelius-sigan/ My personal favorite so far, has got to actually be the recap for 2x7 - The Witchfinder.
Arthur: Father, please. Even if it *was* magic, there's nothing to fear. What kind of lame-ass sorcerer conjures a *baby horse* out of *clouds*?