Aug 27, 2007 13:29
So life's be super hectic, and I never have access to a computer for a long period of time and writing has been tough. I've been trying not to think about the things I should be writing about in order to function efficently. This will be my secong week of Southern Illinois University and I have been to all my class on time, so proud! I just feel overwhelmed sometimes and need to step back and realize I will make it out of my dad's house, i just need to be patient with financial aid and grant money and loans. Taking care of everything and handling everything on my own is a bit refreshing but super frusturating because not all of my ordeals I am still free to answer to myself. It will happen, I just need to remind myself that I have to breathe, because sometimes I tend to forget. I have been trying to get into school this year because this is different, first time I'm actually doing something for me. Nobody cares if I go to college, drop out or go to my classes, if im educated, I have to care for myself.