Nov 28, 2009 01:07
for the past two days i've been all sorts of eighties glam rock.
tight pants.
it's been wonderful.
sometimes it requires being slapped in the face with it.
but still. . .
i really would like to scream.
and then reevaluate my life.
too bad.
my dreams have been full of exes and random people from my past.
and i can't stop thinking about my friend shean.
he died this last january really freakishly.
something seems to be rocking on the edge of my subconscious.
trying to tip me forward.
melancholy is such a pretty word.
the onus is on you to show that you have suffered loss
it's funny how despair means different things.
Only the tremulous shadow twists in my hands.
It is the hour of departure. Oh abandoned one
one...four. five.
one. two. three.