Would you eat a dog shark?

Sep 05, 2008 08:30

I found that picture on google images, it's pretty much what dog sharks look like swimming around piers in the Useless Bay at night.

Last night I hung out with some guys at their family's 80 acre compound. We sat around a bonfire on their private beach on the Useless Bay. Several clusters of people and some individuals came by and stayed for awhile. Some guys who were fishing in the dark with diving flashlights caught a dog shark and pulled it up to the beach. I assumed we were going to look at it, unhook it and nudge it back into the water. Then one of the guys kicked it in the head twice in an effort to kill it. I asked him to stop, and he didn't, so before the third kick I grabbed his arm and told him to stop. I asked why he wanted to kill it and he said it was because they're annoying and you can't even eat them.

"I can't eat you either!"

I got the dog shark/dog fish back in the water. We talked about it for a long time after that happened, about how dog sharks ruin fishing and more humane ways to kill one than to kick it in the head repeatedly. They put some little smokies on the line as bait and caught two crabs, which I later liberated from a future of burning alive on the bonfire. They caught another dog shark and we gathered around it and they pointed out the bacteria laden spines on the back and tail. We watched the ~28 inch fish/shark wiggle back into the water and swim away slowly. I've never seen a beached shark before and would describe it's appearance as prehistoric. A shark on land isn't very different from a shark in water, but seeing one work calmly across the sand while four predators watch made it clear that swimming animates this creatures personality more than the petite brain in it's squishy head. I couldn't look in the sharks gray, cream of wheat eyes and defend it's life any longer. They guys didn't try to kill this one, but if they'd decided to decapitate it and eat it I would have helped them out. Kicking a fish is still stupid.
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