Jul 08, 2010 23:30
- 12:30 The rain is falling. The dog is scared. And I'm eating soup for lunch. This is Houston. Pittsburgh, I'm coming home in eleven days.
- 14:25 The rain in Houston falls mainly on my porch. #downpour #htx twitpic.com/23jgu0
- 15:16 This makes me like Diane Kruger a lot more than I ever did: tinyurl.com/28q8ddm #GER #Kruger #gofugyourself
- 15:17 Also: Bolita the Dog has her own confirmation number with Southwest, except that its not under her name. It's under "Ramirez Pet."
- 15:20 Just reading Ebert's review of this movie made me tear up a bit. tinyurl.com/2bs8sfw
- 15:42 Arrested Development if Michael Bay directed it: tinyurl.com/262bj3h
- 15:43 I think Rachel Maddow looks prettier without the cheerleader hair: tinyurl.com/2f4352t
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