Cats, a revolving door

Feb 14, 2016 15:17

I had a black and white cat called Chairman Meow for two weeks. He was gentle and undemanding and liked climbing onto my shoulder. Someone saw his photo on Facebook and adopted him, so this morning, while I woke up with a black and white cat in the house, now I have a tabby I'm fostering after she was rescued in Park Ex by a friend of the Patrol's who already had two cats with whom the rescue did not get along.

I've hardly seen her yet: it's a wickedly cold weekend here and she's hiding in the corner of my clothes closet, where there's a snug pile of blankets on top of a box.

Meantime, it looks like I may soon be teaching modules on graphic design software for a vocational school. I've always pitched in and explained software to people I've worked with, but never done it in a structured way for a group before. Will be a challenge.
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