
Jan 30, 2016 02:58

I'm sitting here with foster cat Sophie as I write. I first described her in a post from August, but this is the last night she will spend at my house. The woman who had Sophie before me has rearranged things so she can take her back; while this woman's wicked mother-in-law was away on a long trip she adopted Sophie, who'd been rescued by someone else after having kittens in their back yard. When the mother-in-law came back she lowered the boom, saying she wanted no cats on her premises. I don't know what's changed about all that, but the woman says she can have a cat now, and the rescue people are willing to let her take Sophie back.

So this evening the friend that inveigled me into fostering in the first place posted a message from a different fostering person, looking for a foster spot fast for two older cats because their owner has to go into palliative care, but doesn't want to go till he knows his cats are OK.

I've said I might do it, but this is the thing: with the other fostering group while I paid for food and litter for Sophie, and for the other cats I looked after for shorter stints before she came here, I didn't have to pay for the vet. Sophie's been for a checkup and shots since being here, but not on my dime. Taking charge of two older cats for awhile is something I can do, but older cats tend to run up vet bills.

I'll post again if this works out. I have no idea what the cats look like or anything else about them.
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