Jun 02, 2004 05:09
the person you hate- you knew things would happen because things always happen. If you were really sorry, you wouldn't be planning to get drunk again tonight, and you wouldn't have invited him to be there, too. She is a strange type of girl. She is happy with what she has, but at the same time, enjoys things she can have but does not want; or maybe she does want. But then, thats not too strange now, is it? She wants to be placed in the corner and she desires the punishment she feels she requires. Not because she honestly feels bad about the situation and her actions, but because she wants to know someone cares. If he was to place her in that corner and point his finger at him, she'd have the attention of someone she wants it from. She wants to know that there is someone out there who honestly feels pain, feels love, feels because of her. Everone desires the ability to change people; to effect their emotional state of mind. And because her plan did not work accordingly, we are all her, being withheld from sleep.
the person you love- poor girl. She only wanted to have a little fun, and some people take advantage of that, using it for their own benefit. But we are all here to support her in her time of need. She is a strange type of girl. She only cries because she wants to feel loved, and she desires the ability to be loved.
the person- damn. I remember getting drunk with Chrissy (Jenny, Ji, whatever). That girl can get drunk if anyone can. But some people are assholes and I guess this guy is. Its 5:00AM and we are all over at Chrissy's house because she got drunk and was acting drunk. I would tell you the story, but everyone has repeated it, so just click on my Friends and read it from one of theirs.
*We have no one to pass the mic to