Jun 22, 2005 21:38
I had something to say about people, being proactive, about how uncontrollable life is, but none of it was coherent. I find is hard to write when I am not in a calm state of mind. So, let us have some fun (That's the royal 'us,' since I have no audience yet and because it is most likely the case that I am the only one who will enjoy this). I have vowed to a certain someone that I will not reveal my inner emotions on the internet. I did not sign up for any sort of emotional exhibitionism. That being said, I will have a challenging go of it, if I do not write about myself. Back at WU, I was fortunate enough to take a class called Creative Non-Fiction. That is what this shall be. I need to work on my creativity anyways, give it some exercise. I will write my life in the form of fiction. I believe it was Frederick Buechner who said, "All great fiction is autobiography."
As much as I would like there to be Introductions, Prologues, and Chapters in my 'book,' that would require thinking ahead. There will be no thnking ahead here. I will follow the keys to where they lead.
The Start of The Beginning
I am a gardener. A rich, healthy, young gardener. I have nothing to care about but my garden, even though it is not actually my garden. I was left by a better gardener to look after her garden. Nonetheless, I call it my garden and it is all I have to care about.
I have to protect it. Weeds, bugs, birds, and people would destroy my garden if I did not protect it. The sun and the rain and the cold and the wind would destroy my garden if I did not care for it. Were I to give up tending my garden, everything could die. It could live, though.
There are those days when gardening is a joy. When flowers bloom and fruit ripens, but those days are far and few between. You see, my garden is the slowest growing garden in the world. My plants, trees, vegetables, fruits, flowers are not like others of their kind. They are special. Someday, if they are well tended and the sun doesn't scorch them and if the rain doesn't drown them and if the bugs don't eat them, these will be the best plants, trees, vegetables, fruits, and flowers this city has ever seen. Their seeds will bring forth new life in other gardens across the world. If they are taken care. If....
What is in my garden is so precious, so important, and so in need of attention that I have asked others to help tend the garden. It was not, is not possible for one man to do this alone. Besides, it is best to work together, right? Better for the garden and better for the gardeners.
It was George Bernard Shaw who wrote, "The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there." That is why I became a garderner, to seek God. And maybe, if I follow the keys long enough in telling you about my garden, you too will find God.