(no subject)

Aug 18, 2007 14:25

I did the hardest thing i've ever had to do yesterday.

I quit my job. I left the tour hours before a performance.

I'm devestated, and feel like i've let my cast down. But at the same time, if your not being listened to, you have to keep your principles, stand your ground and walk away with your head up high.

It's a very weird mix of emotions because i feel incredibly brave to have done it, but also feel like a cheat.

To cut a long story short, i've had multiple problems on this tour. The main one being health and safety. we've been performing in freezing conditions, on a slippery stage for no money. When i complained to the producer, he told me i was a rubbish actor anyway and i should stop being difficult. So, I quit.
They tried to dump me in Edinburgh last time I complained, so this time I kept my mouth shut and bolted from the van when we went past Lanaster train station.

Since quitting, Equity (that's the actors equivelent of SAG almost, for my American friends) have got in contact with me. It seems they have had very dodgy dealings with the company in the past, and are more then happy to help my case. They made me write a report which i'll post at the end of this message. I'm sorry that i don't know how to make a livejournal cut!


Forgive me if this information is all a bit erratic and not very focussed- i'm more
then happy to rewrite or edit any unclear bits. I'm not sure what i want the
outcome of this to be, other then i feel i am entitled to the money owed to me
as i worked for Richard Main from late May- August 16th.

It is really unfortunate that i've had this conflict. I have been on several tours
and never had any sort of problem-- but Chapterhouse was a mixture of problems from
the very beginning. I've listed some of the main ones here in paragraph headings.

I guess the main conflict this summer, arose from the weather. Whilst I completely appreciate, empathise
and regret that this is out of any companies hands- i think the sheer greed of Chapterhouse, and particular Richard
Main completely acted as a catalyst to these problems.

It was clear from rehearsals that Richard had no concept or care for health and safety at work. Having been pre-warned
about Chapterhouse, I never actually signed the contract i was given.
We were given no adequate manual handling training, and what we were given (a 2 minute chat about bending knees etc) was
delivered after we had completed our first rehearsal get-in. Note the word *after!*
This continued to be a problem throughout the tour. Many of the get-in's and get-outs were unsafe, in my opinion.
I protested at a few of them, and was told on one occassion to "stop being a little gay boy and get on with it."
One in particular at Hopetoun House, South Queensferry (Date: ) was particularly dangerous. AS the venue organiser did not
want us to go on the grass, we drove the van to the top of a fairly short, but steep hill. This summer, there was often torrential
rain, especially on the coast of Ireland. Carrying boards, and gates up wet slippery hillsides does not constitute
safety to me, in any way whatsoever. I suggested, that we demand politely to the venue for health and safety reasons, and insurance
reasons, the play be performed in the much more practical space round the corner. I was ignored.

There are multiple instances of unsafe get-ins. I won't list them all here, but am prepared to continue.

Health and Safety though was my most grave concern at the last venue i performed at. This was at ().
On this occassion, there was torrential rain whilst we were performing. This was allowed to continue for quite some time.
I was playing Puck in A Midsummer Nights Dream and was absolutely drenched and barefoot. The company manager did come
on stage, after the scene (whilst it had been lashing it down for 5-10 minutes) and made an interval in the performance.
At this point, there was indoor space (a marquee) that the venue were more then happy for us to move into. There was a small
debate about it from different members of the cast with different opinions. The company manager overruled this, and decided
the show would continue once the rain had stopped on the stage. The stage here, is pretty obvious to say, was absolutely drenched.
It was slippy, wet and quite obviously hazardous. I protested on health and safety grounds, and was told to shut up and get
on with it. I got on with it until the interval. I could not feel my feet, breath was visible in the air and the cast were
slipping and sliding. I protested again. Marcus Cooper, a cast member (also Richard Main's best friend) at this point lost
his temper and said that 8 other people were dealing with it, so so should i. I pointed out that if they jumped off a cliff,
I wouldn't follow them and this is dangerous. I stated that in future, if it was unsafe I would not be performing.
The company manager took me into another room and to directly quote;
"It's not often I lose my temper but i'm sick and tired of you. If you're going to quit, you quit now. But you don't come back
to the accomodation with us and you make your own way home (we were in edinburgh...with no money. more on that later!) or
you get back on stage, finish the tour and shut the fuck up unless your on stage."
I naturally agreed to continue, despite the danger as i had no other alternative.

I phoned Richard the next day about this, and other problems, and I shall leave that delightful phone call until the end of this piece.

The Venue Organiser, stated at the end of the show that we must be freezing. And how silly it was to perform in the rain,
and next year we should undoubtedly just use the marquee. My sentiments exactly, sir.

I tried phoning Richard that evening, and several times on the tour. He was always uncontactable. Once I phoned at 3 in the afternoon,
to be told that he was still in bed.

I have been told since, by Bex Gadsby (a chapterhouse director) that Richard has been diagnosed with stress and is currently
on medication from the doctor. He is being told to take a rest, but can't because he has 3 tours zipping round the country.
As I told Bex Gadsby, not to sound heartless, but as an employee, that really isn't my problem. His rude attitude is not befitting
someone who employs someone on a profit share basis.

Whilst in Edinburgh, Richard ran out of money on the company credit card. We were forced to sit around for an hour and a half,
and wait for him to transfer money through on a credit card of one of the cast members, so we could have enough money to even get to
the venue.
This is a similar situation, as when we were in Ireland. The company did not tell us until 3 days in advance, when and how
we would be returning home from Ireland. We were there nearly 3 weeks, and all that time i was wondering and asked.
Again, the credit card kept running out on the company manager and he was having to pay for youth hostels with money
that had been earned from the float. I was obviously again fearful, that Mr. Main was not going ot have enough money
to get us back from Ireland. When I phoned to ask, I was told he'd get back to me...And he never did.

The base accomodation given to us in Lincoln, was an ex-asylum seeker house. To say it was inadequate for our needs was an
understatement. It was dirty, 90% of the cast often chose to go home instead of be there. It was in an unsafe part of Lincoln,
and had a fly infested kitchen. On one occasion, when all 3 casts were there sharing rooms, there wasn't enough beds at the
late time we arrived, and i had to sleep on someones floor.

It's a difficult one and i'm sure one that has gone round in circles. Pay. Richard gave us the impression that we were to be
paid in interim payments. It states in the contract (that i didn't sign!) that we were to be paid in interims or on completion
of the tour. When I ran out of money, as i was inevitably going to, I was lucky that Richard gave all 3 casts £150.
We had been working since May, and this was around July. In mid August, i needed £350 for a house deposit.
I phoned Richard and asked for it. I could not get hold of him, and he did not have the courtesy to phone me back. I phoned him again,
and this time he spoke to my company manager as an intermediary. He told him, that he would see what he can do.
I explained that i needed a better answer then that. Either a yes, or a no, as i would have to find alternative ways
to pay the money. At no point in this conversation did i threaten to walk out to either Richard or the company manager, if
i was not paid as Richard would later claim. Richard gave me the £350 and transferred it by cheque to my housemate (my landlord)
as requested.)

However, at the final venue (where the debate about me getting home from edinburgh was raging) Marcus (Richard's close friend)
told me that Richad had been warned about me, and if i walked away- he would immediately cancel the cheque. I had not
told Marcus, or indeed anyone in the cast, that i had been paid the money. Richard the next day accused me of bragging about it.
Simply not true. The information was only shared between myself, the company manager and Richard. It would be pretty
naive of me, to tell other cast mates that i had had any money.

This all culminated in me arriving in Lancaster, Williamson Park and phoning Richard.
I was perfectly reasonable on the phone. I spent 6 years both as a manager, and staff trainer for PGL Travel Ltd and worked
with over 90,000 children and staff in my time there. I was not rude, demanding or even derogatory. I was firm but fair,
and stated that i was unhappy with the health and safety issue from the previous evening.
Richard said that the globe, and Illyria all have to do get-in's in the rain, and they just get on with it. I explained,
that they cancel shows when it's wet and dangerous. He said this was ludicrous, and how would they make any money. He then
conceeded, that he been there the previous night, he would have asked them to move indoors.
He then turned the conversation round on me, and complained that venues had complained about my poor acting and I had upset fellow
cast members. I asked him why i hadn't been told about this before, and why no grievance procedure had been put in place
or i had been made aware of anything. He stumbled through, generally throwing insults about my poor acting.
-again, i might add that acting is objective, but i worked incredibly hard on this tour. Audience feedback is not everything,
but I had a huge amount of positive feedback from audience members coming to see me after shows and congratulating me (often
consoling me on the ridiculous conditions that i was working in.) There is even an objective review on the internet that
points me out as one of the better members of the cast. Again it's all objective, but to say that i had been poor on the tour
was just rude and insulting- especially in the light of him dismissing my health and safety fears.
HE then guilt tripped me, by complaining that he had given me £350 which meant he had to cancel his holiday accompanied by his
daughter. This rang a few alarm bells; why is the manager of a profit share company going on holiday during their busiest
peak time; if he can't afford £350 two weeks before the tour concludes, how is he going to pay out 3 casts (£1000 x 18, and £750 x 5 respectively)
, and why again as an employee should i be made to feel guilty for him cancelling a family holiday when i've been making
him money since May with no financial reward?! I stated this, and he explained again that it was profitshare.
Then I brought up the question about national minimum wage, working time directive and the amount of travelling we were being expected to do.
There is also a time in the schedule from September 1st working backwards....where there is a 10 day stretch without a day off. Including travelling
as work time (which obviously Richard doesn't) the journeys from Lincoln to Stratford, Lincoln to edinburgh, Northumberland
to Torquay are an obvious sleight against the law. He was VERY defensive and stated that he had had this debate last year
and he had specific documentation and legislation from the national minumum wage bureau stating that he was in the right.
He also stated that i was self-employed. This also, is surely untrue as he presented a contract from beginning to end for him.
As I understand it, this makes me a vulnerable agency worker under contract.

Anyway, by this time, in summary, Richard had been rude to me. He had insulted my acting skills, made claims that there
were numerous complaints about me in the cast (which he had not acted upon despite it being August!), told me that the
director was coming to check up on me that day, and most importantly- ignored and dismissed any concerns i had about
health and safety (Despite no manual handling training and pre-warnings that people on tour had broken fingers and toes...)
, I told him I was taking this act as constructive dismissal and would be leaving the tour. At that point, I took my case
and left, with Marcus screaming aggressively down the drive "Wanker."


On a personal note, it's been a horrible experience. They were a cast i really liked, and I genuinely enjoyed the rehearsal
period. The director was fun to work with, despite telling me that after resigning i may struggle to work in the industry
again (!), and I have never quit anything before in my life. A select few of the cast did grow to dislike me. We never
had any actual arguments as such, but I was growing increasingly irritated by Richard Main's slapdash attitude, and refusal
to pay. When 2 members of the other cast walked out, I applauded their actions. Whilst I was not willing to do it myself
(at that time) I stated that we were being exploited and i admired that they had taken a stand. As i needed the money at
that time, I was prepared to stay and tough it out. It wasn't until I realised that it was becoming genuinely dangerous,
along with no money in sight and Richard's arrogant offensive attitude, that 'the last straw' came and it was time to leave.

I have no idea if you can help me at all, or if i signed away my own rights by taking the tour on but here's the financial facts.

Richard has paid me £150, and £350 (a cheque that hasn't cleared and Marcus states he will cancel.)
I believe Richard should also be paying me a pro rata sum of money made up until that date, along with a refund of my train
fare to London. £43.25.
He also asked me to conduct workshops for him whilst in Ireland, which i did do. At a sum of £75 altogether.

I would even argue that as a compensation for the stress and difficult situation i was put in for so long, Richard
should be paying me the full £1000- if not more, as he has ignored the national minimum wage.

Thanks so much for listening. I realise that was probably the dullest e-mail ever, but was considerable therapy for myself.
My number is 07738088632. I hope you have a good holiday, and quite obviously, I will be more then happy to chat.

Oh..And I'm not a member of Equity. I've learnt my lesson- my appliction will be in the post, as shortly as i can earn
some money!

As I said in the report, i'm gutted. I'm having a tiny bit of a life crisis, as i'm not sure that acting is what i'm meant to do at the moment, or even if i'm cut out for it at all in the long run.

Adam is also out of my life, as he's going to uni.

And i'm moving house in 3 days.

Stressful week i think. However, some niggling voice tells me that it's not the end of the world and it's all going to be fine.

Fingers crossed.

And thanks for listening! (if you have! :))
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